If you have pollen allergies or have a known hypersensitivity to acai or similar berries, you may want to avoid this fruit. When eaten in moderate amounts, though, acai is likely safe.
The seeds and pulp of Acai berries have been used for centuries by the natives of Brazil for their unmatched healing and nutritional properties.
The Acai berry abounds in essential fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. There are also many other vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, E, and C, minerals such as Phosphorus, Calcium, and Potassium, as well as polyphenols, anthocyanins, and phytosterols.
Full of benefits this weight loss food is more then just a simple trick to loss a few pounds. It has added bonuses that keep the body young, and in fine running condition. We spend so much of are life putting foods into are body that eventually become are downfall, for once can we make the right decision, and put something in are body that helps us grow and live. When it’s all said and dune the foods we pick are not only killing us but making us feel bad. Its hard to loss weight when the only thing your doing is working out, your body needs more then just a run. The body is just like a car if you paint a car will it work better, but if you put some quality oil or grade A gas in it, the car will run twice as good. Your body is the same way you need to give it the tools to run properly and nothing helps the body run better then food grown from the very earth itself.